Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor’s upcoming film Loveyapa has been eagerly awaited by audiences. With the release of its title track, the excitement among viewers has elevated to the next level, receiving heaps of praise from both celebrities and fans across the board. This has further heightened anticipation to see more from the film. Interestingly, Aamir Khan is set to launch the trailer of Loveyapa on the 10th of January 2025.
Aamir Khan to release Junaid Khan, Khushi Kapoor led Loveyapa trailer
A source close to the film says, “Following the first successful release of Loveyapa’s title track, the trailer of the film is now ready for its launch. Aamir Khan will unveil the trailer on the 10th of January 2025. Further details about the launch are yet to be revealed.”
Further, as aforementioned, the title track of the movie has found its footing in the industry. It has even made Junaid’s sister Ira Khan and her husband Nupur Shikhare groove. Taking to her social media, Ira Khan shared a video of herself with her hubby, Nupur Shikhare listening to and grooving to the Loveyapa title track as they enjoyed quality time driving. Sharing their sweet moment, Ira in the caption wrote – “I was changing lanes so I look distracted but WE’VE BEEN LISTENING TO THIS ALL WEEKEND! Not an appropriate Anniversary song but pfffttt”.
About Loveyapa
Celebrating love in all its shades, Loveyapa is poised to resonate with audiences of all ages. Loveyapa is poised to be one of 2025’s most exciting cinematic offerings. Mark your calendars for 7th February 2025 to embark on this enchanting journey of love. Loveyapa is a romantic drama that is set to be a remake of the 2022 Tamil hit Love Today. It marks Junaid Khan’s foray into the romantic comedy genre after his outing in Maharaj. The makers have shared that the film offers a heartwarming tale enriched with unforgettable performances, lively music, and breathtaking visuals.